Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our Favorite Instagram Photos of the Month

Every once in a while, we’ll find some really awesome photos that deserve some recognition.  These photos embody the style and panache we aim to achieve with our vehicles.  In today’s blog, we’re providing our FAVORITE Instagram photos for the month of May.  Vote for your favorite below!

 (jeep_addiction, frontlineoffroad, buddykane68, gytiss11)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

3 Important Safety Features !

Ever since your children were born, you’ve had the unwavering confidence to protect them against all odds.  Your parental skills acting as an impenetrable field against anything put in their way.  You're a knight, slaying dragons that breathe fire of pestilence, laziness, and the occasional Social Media stint that your kids can’t escape.  As your children get older, however, they begin to drive, literally.  A 16-year-old behind the wheel is usually a scary thought; a fear for any caring parent.  In today’s blog, we discuss 3 awesome options for keeping safe while you drive. 

1.    A Vehicle with High Crash Test Scores – this isn’t really a safety feature, but it should be something you search for in a vehicle.  Look for four or five star crash test ratings for front and side impact, as well as an endorsement from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  The side impact test conducted by the IIHS is designed to measure the level of occupant protection when a vehicle is struck by an SUV or truck.

2.    Frontal Airbags – most vehicles come with these stock, featuring sensors which consider factors like occupant size, seat position and crash sensitivity to determine the level they should inflate.  Advanced airbags effectively reduce the risk of an injury.

3.    Side-impact and side curtain airbags – These are mounted in either the seat backs or doors and protect the torso during side-impact crashes.  Generally, they’re usually for front seat occupants, but manufacturers give you the option to have them for the backseat.  These airbags span the length of the cabin and provide head protection for outboard occupants in side-impact collisions.  Also protecting during a rollover by keeping everyone inside safe.  A lost of crash related deaths stem from ejection for the vehicle.

What are some additional safety features you would recommend? Let us know!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Steps to Buying GREAT Auto Insurance

We’re car people.  From the accents and contours of a vehicle, to the drive and adrenaline of a fast car, we have a certain appreciation for the automotive machine.  As our passion, we’re great at finding a perfect fit for our customers.  When it comes to auto insurance, you want to be covered in the case you get into a fender bender.  So, in an effort to ease the burden, we’re providing 5 tips for finding the right coverage at the right price.  By doing some comparison shopping, you could save hundreds a year.  

Find the Right Coverage

Your first step should be to find a list of what is required in the state.  You can visit this link to find out: this will provide the minimum of what is required. Once you have that, you should decide what insurance premium you need.  Your decision depends on your degree of comfort and a certain level of risk.  According to Edmunds:

Experts recommend that if you have a lot of assets, you should get enough liability coverage to protect them. Let's say you have $50,000 of bodily injury liability coverage but $100,000 in personal assets. If you're at fault in an accident, attorneys for the other party could go after you for the $50,000 in medical bills that aren't covered by your policy.

Also, you don’t have to buy collision and comprehensive damage, especially if your vehicle is older than 2000.

Check Your Driving Record

How many tickets have you had recently? By checking your state’s department of motor vehicles, you can have a better idea of how you stack up.  For example, if points you earned on your license are about to disappear, this will improve your driving record.  So, we would recommend you wait until that happens before you receive quotes.

Solicit Competitive Quotes

You will need:

o   Current Policy
o   License Number
o   Vehicle Registration

Check out insurance company websites and receive a quote.  It’s easy to type in your information and build a list of companies for comparative quotes.  Each quote takes about 15 minutes to complete, but shopping around can save you hundreds.  Think about the annual and monthly rates for different types of coverage, note the 800 number so you can get more direct answers, and pay close attention to the insurance company payment policy. 

These are just a few tips to get you started.  For more info visit your favorite insurance company website for details.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Top Car Technologies Voted By Car Buyers

A J.D. Power Report discussed car buyers’ favorite technological advances when it comes to their vehicles.  We all play victim to the vast power and influence of electronics.  From the DVR recorder in our homes we use to record shows like Desperate Housewives and Top Gear, to the iPad that sits on our lap at the dinner table, we’re all connected in one way or the other.  At the dealership, we love new technology.  So, according to J.D. Power and Associates, these are the top 10 technologies car buyers’ need:

  1. Run-flat tires – these tires protect you from a flat by providing an additional 50 miles at 50 mph to get to a gas station after your tire pops.
  2. Navigation Systems – an in-dash navigation system is a great tool for finding your away around.  Use this to find local restaurants, navigate a new city, and in some cases, avoid traffic.
  3. Premium Surround Sound System – everyone can appreciate a great sound system.  How else can you listen to Michael Jackson’s Thriller at full blast?
  4. Back-up Assist – SUVs are especially avid at including these.  Back-up assist acts as a rear-view camera that boosts your visibility when backing up.  Great for avoiding objects like bicycles and other vehicles.
  5. Heated/Cooled Seats – These seats have small “pinholes” that emit cool (or hot) air to flow from a fan or air condition unit embedded in the seats.
  6. Keyless Entry System – Keyless entry is easy because the small keyless sensor stays in your pocket or purse, allowing you to start your car remotely.  By being in close proximity you can unlock dorrs and push a button on the dash to start your engine. 

These are just a few of the tech that people need to have, for the full list visit,0,5168532.photogallery

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

7 Facts About Texting That Can Save a Life

Multitasking has increased in the last few years to astronomical heights.  With one hand and a smartphone you can watch a YouTube video, send an email, play a game, voice chat and place a call in a five-minute span.  However, with much power comes much responsibility because NOW that we have this access 24-7, it has carried over into our driving habits. 

For some time, researchers have been telling us to focus only on driving, quoting a greatly increased chance of accident, injury and death when we distractedly call a friend or answer a ringing cell phone.

Now, new research has revealed the most dangerous driver distraction of all: texting.

A study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, along with prior studies by Liberty Mutual Insurance and state-funded organizations located online, reveals the shocking statistics of texting behind the wheel:

  • ·      Texting while driving increases the risk of accident 23.2 times over unimpaired driving.
  • ·      Texting while driving results in longer response times than even drunken driving. While an unimpaired driver can respond quickly to changes in traffic and begin braking within half a second, a legally drunk driver needs four additional feet to begin braking—and a driver who’s texting needs 70.
  • ·      In the moments before a crash or near crash, drivers typically spend nearly five seconds looking at their mobile devices—enough time at typical highway speeds to cover more area than the length of a football field.
  • ·      Though 95 percent of drivers surveyed said texting behind the wheel was unacceptable and unsafe, at least 21 percent admit to doing it anyway.
  • ·      Especially amongst teens, texting results in erratic driving behavior, like lane weaving and speeding up and down, increasing the likelihood of hurting pedestrians and running into other vehicles.
  • ·      Texting behind the wheel is generational: 37 percent of drivers 18 to 27 admit to texting while driving, compared to 14 percent of 28 to 44 year olds, and 2 percent of 45 to 60 year olds.
  • ·      An accident can happen in two to three seconds while texting.

Drive Safely!